Educatiooon 3000

Educatiooon 3000  

13 Pillars of the future society of Peace Culture


The 7 Petals Schools of education 3000 prepared us for a 13 Pillars Society with its 13 areas of development, renovated the humanitarian vision applying new strategies of group works and unities for a better place to live on. It is based on new paradigms of solidarity, common sense and deep Peace culture backed up by a multidisciplinary highly qualified research team. Every pillar can be a Ministry on it own on a national level, that can be called 13 departments of Service to people and Earth, installing a ”SOFIAcratia”, that is a “politic of wisdom”, where politicians are wise, intelligent, humanitarian and generous, and are at the service of their country, the people and the Earth. 

7 Petals School Systems and 13 Pillars of the Future Society of Peace Culture  

Based on all the researchers who work on this project from all over the world involving 15 countries for basic information we can achieve this vision. We wrote a book in 2022 in the English language , and now we are working on translating this book to many other languages. 


Collaboration with INGO Educatiooon 3000 – November 2019


The Security Council Resolution on women and peace and security is a program that has been in progress for a year. As part of this program, the organization has collaborated with international organizations, such as Educatiooon 3000, to create a 13-pillar society of peace. Additionally, a book has been published based on a seven-pillar program implemented in schools this year.

Now after the pandemic is over we are working on activating our program and getting the full training for TOT to apply to schools and societies. 

At this time we are preparing the full training for 2023 so we can go back to our mission and complete our vision. 

In 2019, Educatiooon 3000 entered into an agreement with Otralerz NGO to adapt the  Educatiooon 3000 project and provide training to trainers. The goal of this  partnership was to implement the pedagogy in public schools, with the ultimate aim  of improving education for students as a new way of teaching being a facilitator so students can perform better and bring out the best of them. Having a new generation full of energies and geniuses and a lot more harmony for success. 

Following the agreement, Educatiooon 3000 applied for and received approval from  the Ministry of Education to proceed with the project in 2019.

As part of the implementation, five  workshops were held in various locations across  Lebanon, including the south, Chouf, Aley, and Beirut. 


Aley Workshop:5 days training with Noemi Paymal with local teachers educatiooon3000@

The workshop in Aley, which  took place on September 6 – 2019, for one week, attracted 25 participants, primarily teachers from  local schools for over a week with Noemi Paymal the founder of the program. 

  In Chouf September 10 – 2019 we collaborate with the MUBS and introduce the project in one full day workshop planning to have the full training in the near future. In Beirut September 16 -2019 it was held for 3 days working with architects promoting the vision of new contractions based on the new sustainable modalities and healing therapy using colors and shapes.  

In Saida at the south of Lebanon we had one full day training in the last week of September 2019 the teacher for home orphans schools and using the trauma protocol as a new strategy having more then 40 participants. 


They all got an attendance certificate looking forward to having the full TOT soon. 


Peace Culture Workshops December 2019

Since we are dedicated to work in peace and mediation agreement as Otralerz during the revolution of 2019 we had a couple workshops “Peace Culture” in Beirut and Aley promoting new positive approach, vision of win-win situation and now the real history of peace agreements. Having great achievements from over 60 participants testifying their vision for the peaceful nation, we really had a challenge.  


 Peace Culture December 25-2019 

In the suburban area of Lebanon in Aley was held in the house of Otralerz. During the revolution’s time we had a vision to promote Peace culture into the great influencers and activists that can make differences. Most participants were group leaders and counselors. 


Peace Culture December 22-2019 

We offer the same workshop in Clemenceau in Smart Academy center providing more than 30 activists. Seeing the new development picture of peaceful revolution 2019 


Summer Camp July & August 2021


After the pandemic, all the students were home schooling. We prepared”  summer camp for the months of July and August 2021 five days per week.  The camp, titled “Education with Consciousness & Peace Culture,” was held at a  community school in Sawfar and was open to 65 students aged 5 to 12 years old. The  camp was funded through online fundraising efforts and featured five Volunteers teachers from our organization, as well as four teachers from schools in the area who had the training of Educatiooon 3000 with us the year before.

Mothers Follow up  Meeting August 2021


We followed up with the mothers of the participating students in summer camp and get the feedback from them having wonderful testimonials and looking forward to the next activities to participate in. Knowing the knowledge is so unique and advanced that the kids had a lot of benefits toward all this great program Educatiooon 3000.

Trip “Atelie of Assaf Assaf” August 20-2021


On August 24, we organized a field trip for over 65 children in two big buses to the Agricultural and  Art Museum of “Atelie Assaf Assaf“ in Chouf. The program included a visit to the museum learning about sculpture art and seeing the green forest and listing the names of the trees and what one can do in nature using the barcode on each one of them. 


 We had  lunch at Valley Camp where the kids were able to play and enjoy the zipline and the non competitive games. 

They Have their hands on sustainable recycling materials and learn they can use this stuff for so many different useful materials. Appreciating nature and being good peaceful citizens. 


Movie Participation September 3-2021


In September 2021, the Beirut Film Festival had to film a documentary about kids in school buses in the old days and needed more than 30 young participants. Otralerz provides the participation of our children from summer camp to be the actors in this film. Learning new skills and having new experiences together was an amazing success. 

Appreciation Visit September 26-2021

We had to thank and really appreciate the founder of the community school where we had our camp over that summer by printing a picture for the students and solar lights gifts to the playground of the school.